Sunday, February 28, 2010

The New Tampa Museum

Just Like the M.o.M.a

Visiting the New Museum in Tampa on last Sunday happened to be very enjoyable. It reminded me of the Museum in New York. The Modern architecture was something to gaze at along with the new park that sat by the riverside. The museum is two stories with a huge balcony that overlooks the riverside. It has a cafe, gift shop, and open gallery on the ground floor. The museum exhibits included sculpture, installation, photography, and paintings. Some artists that were most interesting on exhibit were Henri Matisse, Garry Winogrand, and Duh So. The museum did not have many paintings of Henri Matisse, but it was still interesting to see his visual process and female contour drawings in lithograph. The photography exhibit was amazing by Garry Winogrand. He is a documentary photographer who captures different women in different settings around New York in the 1970's. The females in most of the pictures were unaware of his presence. He took pictures of all these non bra wearing women and turned their snapshot into something glamorous. Everyday women, but all beautiful in their own way. A moment frozen in time. I recommend all photo majors to go see it. Duh So had a famous installation that is brilliant. He used sheer fabric and thread to sew a whole bathroom together. It was a 3-D bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet. Even the circuits were sewn to look like you could plug an appliance in to it. Small but fun, this museum makes a  great Sunday afternoon. $5 for student entry and $10 for non-students

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