Monday, March 22, 2010

The Janusian Process by: Albert Rothenberg

      This psychiatrist talks about certain inventors who go through a process of events to become successful in scientific invention. The methods used in their practices are similar to those of artists. Famous scientists like Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein go through “stages” to uncover the ultimate invention or concept. Many scientists in fact, have the same cognitive progression. The Janusian process defines how scientists use the theory of opposites to conceive the final product. The Janusian process is one of the three creative cognitive processes. The investigations included the thoughts, dreams, experiments, and childhood memories of several well-known scientists. Four phases are expressed to better understand the method to forming conclusions. First was the motivation to create, or why. Phase two is deviation from the main idea- towards their own. The third stage is derived from separation, and is named simultaneous opposition-this is where full realization and understanding of implications occurs. Lastly, construction of the theory, discovery or experiment is where modification, and the fine details are worked out. The Janusian process outlines the linear process existing in all creativity.

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