Monday, January 25, 2010

Essay On "The Artist's Guide" Pg. 3-10

Make Plans

The author Jackie Battenfield gives us artists' a step by step guide to a successful life in the art world. The catch is that we have to create it ourselves; Becoming a successful artist doesn't happen over night. Battenfield sums up her thesis very well in this quote: " The fact is that no one is coming to "save" you, but you can save yourself, if you know which way you are headed." As long as we have goals, then we are headed in the right direction. The first step is to have a plan or a "big dream" as Battenfield suggests. My dream is to have a professional career designing nightclubs and making crazy futuristic furniture. My work will be ground breaking and stand out so much that people will be traveling to experience it. This is just a dream of mine that might eventually come true one day. With tons of hard work, imagining dreams, and finishing school my goals will be accomplished.

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